Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas from Warm Rocky Mount

It is great to have a non-white Christmas, even though Connie is feeling bad about missing the snow. We are so thankful that Kirk was able to duck the Midwest snow storm and drive down here to Rocky Mount for Christmas. We have had a great time pampering Kirk for a few days. Kristy and Brian will arrive on Saturday, Dec. 29th when we will also join together with the Fosmark and Mincy clan for a day of fun.

We follow tradition on Christmas Eve with "Beef Straganoff"

Kirk attended the candlelight Christmas Eve service with us at church.

Connie was her usual quiet, calm, and "not very excited" self on Christmas morning -- not really!!

Kirk got a digital camera for Christmas. Now he can join the rest of the family sharing photos over the ether waves.

Here is the Chef (actually the Chef's helper) cutting "the bird" for Christmas dinner.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Memories

Christmas has been been filled with fond memories in the Carlson family, and in both or our extended families. Just a few days ago we received a Christmas card from Connie's niece, Dana Huffman, that reminded all of us connected with the Cutlan family of a venerable Christmas tradition from Connie's mother. Here is Dana's excellent recollection of Grandma Cutlan's "manger scene" and its significant Christmas memory.
Grandma’s Manger Scene
I have a manger scene that has been in my family for about 70 years. The old figures are beautiful but many of them are showing wear and have been damaged. Both the shepherd and the angel are missing their legs. Years ago grandma fastened cardboard to the bottom of each so they won't fall over. One of the sheep has been glued back together. The other has uneven feet and must lean against the shepherd to stay upright. And the donkey, he's a mystery. I think his tail has been pulled and he looks sort of chewed on. I'm sure if I took this bunch of characters to The Antiques Road Show they would be declared of little value because of their flaws. But to me, these little figures are priceless. They perfectly depict who Christ came to save.

The Christmas story comes alive when we feel it. I felt God's love and acceptance through grandma. How she treated these little figures is the way she treated me. In spite of my shortcomings she loved me dearly and never would have banished me from "the scene." She always set a place for me at her beautiful table and put a gift for me under her tree. How simply and powerfully she showed the love of God.
On the Carlson side of the family we also have many fond memories of Christmas past. Grandma Carlson was always known for her nicknacks, picture albums, and Christmas goodies. Kirk has a special memory that incorporated all of those remembrances, plus a special gift that he was able to give to Grandma.

Grandma was well known for her frugal and resourceful ways, but also for her many "finds" that she managed to acquire from various sources. One of her "used treasures" was an old color TV that had its early life in a hospital somewhere. It may have worked well in its early days, but never did work well after Grandma rescued it from the throwaway junk heap. Anyway, our kids would always razz Grandma about her less than perfect TV.

In 2002 Kirk and Grandma spent Christmas together at her Scandia Shores apartment. On that occasion Kirk presented to Grandma a new TV for her Christmas gift. She could not hear too well, but she did have to admit that she could see the evening news much clearer on "Kirk's TV." Kirk has that TV today as a Christmas memory of Grandma.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Kristy's Birthday Bash in Chattanooga

Our final convention trip for 2007 was to Dallas just before Thanksgiving. This gave us the opportunity to stop by Chattanooga to visit Kristy and Brian. We were able to celebrate Kristy's significant birthday (we won't mention the numbers) a little early. Diets were set aside for the evening and we tested a new Chattanooga restaurant called Food Works. It was great, and we highly recommend the food and atmosphere.

During the time we were in Chattanooga, (while Connie and Kristy were at the Mall) I took a trip into the past. During the summer of 1966 I took grad classes at Tennessee Temple Seminary. I had to drive down to Chattanooga two weeks before Connie could come after she finished her teaching responsibilities. My job was to rent a place where we could live for the summer. What an experience! On Saturday, November 24th I took a picture of that place -- 41 years later. Here is what it looked like in 1966 and then 2007. It was kind of scary then -- but, now it is even scarier.