We are so thankful this Thanksgiving for so many things -- but especially for Connie's visit to the dentist's office on the day before Thanksgiving. We had just finished seven out of nine weeks on the road exhibiting at conventions. Prior to the last convention Connie developed a toothache and saw her regular dentist. The prognosis was that she might need to visit an Endodonist for a root canal. Sure enough that was the conclusion after she suffered through several days of medicated misery. The Lord arranged a miracle cancellation so that we could hurry back to Rocky Mount from Washington, D.C., for a Wednesday appointment.
We had planned to have Thanksgiving in Northern Virginia, but, instead, we drove to Raleigh for a turkey dinner at Mimi's Cafe. This is the third time in five years that we have enjoyed Mimi's Thanksgiving feast -- first in Orlando, then Fort Worth, and now in Raleigh.
We highly recommend Mimi's Cafe -- here is the feast! (Plus pumpkin pie.)
At our Washington convention Connie met one of her favorite telephone customers. Her name is Myrrh. Can you tell that she is timid and shy, just like Connie?Here is a little Southern cultural experience that we have every fall. We drive past a Cotton Gin every day we go to work in the tiny town of Whitakers, North Carolina.
This what cotton looks like when it comes in nowadays from the cotton fields. These are huge bales that are the size of the inside of a semi-trailer. There are not as many cotton fields in Eastern Carolina these days as when we moved here thirteen years ago, but the finishing process has become more hi-tech.