For two days we enjoyed the beautiful Amish Country in east-central Ohio, and about an hour south of Cleveland. We camped at the spacious Scenic Hills RV Park in Berlin, among the big rig expensive motorhomes and 5th Wheels. Our site was on the crest of the hill looking out over the valley, and with a great view of the lush hills.
This is a wonderful area to visit. We did eat some of the excellent home cooked food, but tried to withstand the temptation of dining at any of the large,

picturesque restaurants that frequently dot the landscape of the area. Eating is a big-time sport in Amish country!

We visited Lehman’s Hardware in Kidron (a hardware version of South Dakota’s famed Wall Drug) and Connie combed the many interesting shops in Berlin, Walnut Creek and a few other tiny hamlets along the road. Of course, the fascinating experience in Amish Country is to see the horse-drawn carriages that are used exclusively for family transportation.

We took several snap shots of the buggies as we drove around the area. It is especially charming to see “hitching posts” with horses tied to them in the same parking lots that contain SUV’s and Mini-Vans.