Friday, January 18, 2008

The 30 Days of Christmas

This year our Christmas celebration stretched to the ultimate – a whole month! It all began on Dec. 11th with our annual Positive Action company party, and it didn’t end until Jan. 12th in Madison, Wisconsin, having lunch with Kirk just before we left to return to North Carolina. In between were joy-filled occasions, plus some painful experiences for Kirk, but altogether it was a wonderful example of God’s sovereign leading and control.

After our company Christmas party we had the usual flurry of Christmas activity with a church concert, class activities and decorations. Then Kirk arrived on Christmas Eve (see Kirk’s Ordeal below) and things began in earnest. First, we had Christmas alone with Kirk. Chad and Jen were heading for a three-week vacation trip to Argentina on Christmas day, and Kristy and Brian were scheduled to spend Christmas with the Walker clan this year. We had a blast with Kirk, even though he was dependent on pain pills for comfort.

Next, was a fun gathering of the Fosmark/Mincy/Walker/ Carlson crowd on Dec. 29th in Rocky Mount and at our Positive Action facility. This was a wonderful time! We played the famous Wii video game and saw family and ministry videos on the giant screen at the PAFC media room. Everyone enjoyed the Pizza and goodies.

Then it was Christmas all over again with Kristy, Brian and Kirk. We had a great time celebrating and hanging out. Of course, after the festivities we got serious about Kirk’s Ordeal and the resulting trip to Wisconsin. Our trip up north also allowed a quick run to the Twin Cities for a delightful evening with Judy and Wes Brask and Greg and Becky Cutlan. We even squeezed in a day at Maranatha visiting old friends. When we arrived back in North Carolina on the 13th we were ready to put Christmas 2008 finally to rest. Wonderful memories!

Lots of good food!! Oh, oh -- diets coming!

Chad and Jen in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Here's the fun (goofy?) crowd doing their thing

Cousins and spouses doing Pizza -- with Skye

Kirk hangin out with Wes & Wil Mincy

We are thankful for the special time together

Wonderful fellowship -- Front: Wes Brask, GBC, Greg Cutlan
Back: Judy Brask, Connie and Becky Cutlan

Kirk's Ordeal

Early in the morning on December 20th our phone rang and Kirk was on the line telling us he was in the Emergency Room at the UW Hospital in Madison. He informed us that he had been up all night with pain and finally drove himself to the ER. Little did we realize that wake-up call would lead us on a three-week odyssey that included a painful period for Kirk and an unplanned journey for us.

Kirk had been struggling with a painful condition since October. On December 20th he learned from a CAT Scan that it was a rather large kidney stone that was giving him the problem. But, because it was just before Christmas he was told he could not see a urologist, and that he should just drink fluids, and hope that he passes the stone – and that he could travel to North Carolina.

So, two days later Kirk started out on his trek to our house to spend Christmas, plus a week of vacation. Before he arrived we appraised our good friend, and family doctor, Ron Hughes about Kirk’s condition. Kirk had volunteered for a year in Dr. Hughes’ office, and therefore they were well acquainted. On the day after Christmas we got Kirk in to Dr. Hughes and through that visit obtained an appointment the next day at the Urology Clinic of Rocky Mount.

Dr. Frobose, the urologist, wanted to do a surgical removal procedure the very next day, but insurance bureaucracy back in Wisconsin slowed down the process. Once again, the holiday season limited Kirk’s access to swift medical treatment. But surgery was performed the next Thursday, Jan. 3rd, and we were told that he should be able to return to activity within a day. It became apparent to us after the surgery that Kirk could not drive himself back home, so Connie and I volunteered for the task. After all, we were just planning to leave that weekend for a vacation to the Florida Keys, and a change of plans toward a northern vacation was not too difficult.

After three difficult days of driving, we arrived in Madison with a “still hurting” patient. Through vigorous arm twisting the previous Friday, we had finagled an appointment in the UW Urology Clinic on the 7th. That day he was told he would get some relief. Did not happen!!

The next morning Kirk called us about 5:30 am (we were staying at Chad and Jen’s house) saying he had to go to the Emergency Room again – he was miserable. We wound up spending our whole day in the ER, without the benefit of shower, shave or real food. We felt like we were in the TV show – replete with gruesome wailings from other patients, tough and kind cast members, and a final resolution that was somewhat helpful – maybe. It was not until three days later (Jan. 11th) that Kirk was able to get some relief.

Finally, on the evening of the 11th, we were able to take Kirk to the Tumbleweed Steakhouse for a dinner that he felt like eating. During all of Christmas he had been dabbling at the goodies, but never felt like digging in with an appetite. We were so thankful that God directed all of these events so that we could be able to chauffeur and help Kirk through his unforgettable ordeal.

Kirk at his favorite Urologist's office

The fancy new Nash Hospital Surgery Pavilion

He is finally back home -- startin' to feel better