We've had a busy summer. Every summer is busy for us because our ministry, Positive Action For Christ, sells and ships most of our products during the summer months. This year has been true to form and we are thankful to be busy, active, and productive. The Lord has been good to us and to our ministry during these challenging times.
Over the 4th of July weekend we camped near Elizabeth City, North Carolina, and watched fireworks at the Waterfront Park on the Albermarle Sound. Prior to the fireworks we enjoyed the patriotic concert given by the U.S. Army TRADOCK Band from nearby Fort Monroe in Virginia. This area has a big military influence and the crowd was very patriotic.

During this summer I have embarked on a task that I have been contemplating for some time. I have researched slide scanners over the past few months and finally found the best scanner for me. That choice was ultimately the Image Lab scanner that is pictured below. This little gadget easily converts old 35mm slides into a digital format that can be uploaded to a computer. Here are some of the vintage family slides that we have been able to reclaim for viewing.

Here is our first date, recorded by Connie's dad in 1960. What kids we were!

Look at this great memory of our kids in Connie's parents' backyard.

A wonderful Christmas memory with Grandma Carlson.

And here is one of Connie's early bikes and gives an indication where our Carlson "bikeride" tradition began.