We are in New Orleans Saints country. Right now we are in Gulfport, MS, but several days ago we were in the Big Easy itself. On our way to a convention last week in Galveston, TX, we stopped in New Orleans for a few hours to see the rebuilding progress after Hurricane Katrina. Some progress has been made, but the evidence of the devastating storm is still visible. But it was obvious that the Gulf Coast Region was really excited about the upcoming Super Bowl game.
After finishing our convention we headed back toward Gulfport and Biloxi, MS. On Saturday we stopped in a mall in Baton Rogue, LA, and were adorned with Mardi Gras beads as we entered a department store. Here I am decked out in my beads on the day before the big game.

Here is one of the friendly attendants sporting his "Who Dat" shirt as he guides our truck to its needed cleaning. Our truck still had the remnants of a North Carolina snowstorm and road salt on its exterior from eight days previous.
After our wash was completed we had to take a picture of Connie standing by the "Pitstop Carwash" sign on Highway 49, just north of I-10 in Gulfport, MS. If you are ever in that area we recommend this friendly business. But, of course, you will have to pay -- unless the Saints win a Super Bowl again.