Connie and I took a trip this last week to display our Positive Action products at the annual Bob Jones University Bible Conference. This was the special idea of a sharp young man by the name of Jayson Byrd, who works at the BJU Campus Store. Jayson invited about a half dozen publishers to bring books that could be featured during the conference.
Here we are in the store with some of our products on display. It was an enjoyable experience talking with many conference attendees and students.

After spending several hours at our booth on the first day, we were heading to our truck to leave campus for dinner. We were talking to some friends on the sidewalk when we heard our name being called and spotted Erin Rodman Jones, wife of the BJU president, running across the street calling our name. We have known Erin since she was a young girl, and have been friends with her parents since before she was born. It was a blessing to visit with her and catch up on her family. Connie had the presence of mind to get me to take a picture.

Another purpose for our trip was to meet Dave Ratje, manager of the Printing Division of BJU Press. The Press is now printing some of our Positive Action books and I wanted to take the opportunity to personally meet Dave. Here is Connie, with Dave on her left, meeting Bob the "glue" specialist. Bob will be the person responsible to make sure that our books are glued tightly. You can see that Connie was having a good time with these helpful gentlemen.

We were also able to visit the offices of our friend and marketing consultant, David George. David is president of Genesis Marketing Group, and he helps us at Positive Action with our marketing ideas and programs. David is a Bob Jones graduate, with many years of marketing and sales experience. He has become a valuable asset to our ministry at Positive Action For Christ.