It is getting to be that time of year when I leave the house most mornings singing, "Nothing could be finer than to be be in Carolina in the morning." But not quite yet this year! First we have to do our annual "pine straw" treatment to our lawn. Yesterday was that day.
We start with 18 bales of pine straw that we purchase at our neighborhood Lowe's store.

Then we spread it around by hand to cover the bald spots, and to compliment the pine needles that are already on the ground. This project takes care of our lawn for the year. No grass -- and no mowing.

But this time of year also brings the sickly yellow/green pollen dust that settles on everything. Because we have so many trees on our lot we get a greater share of pollen dust everywhere. This is our deck last week before the rain came to wash it clean. It is almost like a light dusting of snow.

Our vehicles looked horrible!

Then comes the "worms" (seed pods from the trees) to cover everything! All of this usually lasts a month. Hopefully not this year.

Finally, the finished product. At least until the Fall when the leaves begin to fall.