We've had two rare opportunities in the last month to spend time with family. On October 2nd we had the privilege to visit Rockford, Illinois a have a few hours with Cheryl and Dwight, plus Kari & Ted Tackeberry and their kids. It was a short visit, but we did have a great time.
We spent about an hour and a half at Kari & Ted's house, and truly enjoyed the short visit. Kari's children are a lot of fun and "Aunt Connie" enjoyed getting them to laugh and giggle -- which wasn't difficult.
It was a blessing that Ted got home just before we had to leave for the restaurant with Cheryl & Dwight. He often works extended hours, but that evening was able to get home early enough for us to see him.
It was also a special blessing was to see how good care Kari is giving to Grandma Carlson's unique China Cabinet. Kari lovingly preserves this important slice of Carlson/Leir history.

Then last Friday Connie and I were able to see Gail and the Mincy
family on our way back home from a convention that we attended in Greensboro, North Carolina. Gail had arrived at Sara's on the day before, and so we arranged to meet the tribe for dinner at our favorite restaurant in Raleigh.

We happily introduced them to Ten Ten Chinese Restaurant which is on the southwest corner of NC State University. Ten Ten has the largest Chinese buffet that I have encountered. I may have a limited experience in Chinese buffets, but trust me , this one is worth it.
We had a great time with Gail, Sara & Dave, and the "grand-kids". It was fun!