Connie has been patiently waiting for the azaleas to bloom. Even though they are not as full and bright as they can be -- they are finally bringing color to our front yard. We are glad to hear that warmer weather has finally arrived in the north where our family and friends have toiled through a long, hard winter.

Last month our family conducted the 3rd annual NCAA Basketball tournament contest. This year modesty prevents me from going on and on about who won the coveted "Carlson Crowd" trophy. Connie kept after me and I finally consented to pose for a picture with the trophy plaque.
I beat out Chad by a whisker thin two points. I wish that I could say that my victory was determined by cunning and brilliant analysis, but that would be bunk. I happened to pick Sienna to beat Ohio State in the first round, and that turned out to be the difference. That was a wild guess. Chad, Kirk and I all picked the North Carolina Tar Heels to win the tournament -- and they did! But the difference was that one lucky pick. We have a good time each year in our family contest. Here I am with the prestigious award.
Great pictures! I can just hear Aunt Connie saying, "Come on Gerry! You have to get your picture with the plaque!"
Hurrah! What an honor!
I wish we could show pics with anything flowering. About the best we can do so far is some green stuff poking through the ground. It will come...always has!
Congratulations, that is indeed a prestigious award! It is a fun tradition & a great way to keep in touch!
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