The Carlson family gathered for our bi-annual Christmas get together in Rocky Mount. This year the travel to North Carolina was a breeze. The Walkers' had clear and clean roads and the Wisconsin crowd actually arrived a half hour early to RDU airport. It was great to have us all together again.

We don't have many opportunities when the boys can see their sister, but they do keep close via cell phones.

Kristy was still finishing up some classroom work. Here she is showing Kirk her new laptop that helps her teach online classes for two different colleges, in addition to her high school teaching duties.

And I seized the privilege to have my temporary "in house" mechanic look at a few problems. Chad put a quick fix on a truck issue and then helped me solve a tarp installation for the trailer. The weather was beautiful on Christmas Eve. But snow was coming...

Of course we had some great eating. Connie did her usual outstanding job of providing handsomely for us all -- and then some!

After eating and gifting, and eating some more, we all journeyed out to the Positive Action building on Christmas afternoon for a viewing of the super-animated DVD Wall-E. Here is the comfortable Media Room at PAFC that is a great place for us to enjoy.

Looking down the main hallway of the PAFC building the camera caught the "4 Boys" in this candid shot. Nice hat, Kirk.

But in the night after Christmas...the snow began to fall. And it continued to fall and fall. By mid day it had piled up to be a foot deep! Very rare for North Carolina.

The problem was that our Wisconsin crowd was scheduled to fly out of RDU at 12:30 PM on the day following Christmas. We got to the airport on time, but knew that the flight was already cancelled. The road to Raleigh was treacherous. The bad news was that Delta couldn't give them a flight until Wednesday. That wouldn't do! So, we drove them to Charlotte (3 hours from RDU) and they flew out on Monday morning. Chad had the foresight to purchase trip interruption insurance and that was a blessing to cover the extra expenses. It was truly an exciting three days.
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