Each year we like to return to The Outer Banks (OBX) for a few days, and each year Kristy likes to come to spend a week of her summer vacation with us. We appreciate it that Brian lets her come and this year she wanted to come for the July 4th week. We had already made reservations for the 4th weekend at our favorite OBX campground -- The Refuge -- and so we said, "Sure, come that week, but you'll have to go camping with us." Of course our camping is in style!

As a kid I was always enthralled with name Kitty Hawk and it's link to the history of flight. But after living in North Carolina for 15 years I had come to realize that the Wright Brothers made their first successful flight at Kill Devil Hills, not Kitty Hawk. Mr. Brown straightened out my understanding by clarifying that the Wilbur and Orville first experimented with their gliders at Kitty Hawk for several years before they moved about 4 miles south to actually accomplish their historic flight near the huge sand dunes called Kill Devil Hills. This monument acknowledges the approximate spot where the Wright Brothers first pitched their tent in 1900 -- four years before they accomplished their first flight.
On our second day we took another 10 mile ride, but this time it started at Manteo and included the north end of Roanoke Island. Here is a beautiful shot of Kristy on the bridge to Festival Island, looking out at the Manteo harbor.
On that ride we were able to inspect the Waterside Theater where the famous outdoor drama The Lost Colony is conducted each summer. We have attended this play several times, and have taken Kristy to see it. But on this day we were able to roam the grounds and actually go on stage, and to the backstage area. Kristy was in her glory taking lots of pictures to share with her drama students back in Chattanooga.
Later on Saturday we headed for the beach and enjoyed the beautiful new Jennette's Pier on the south end of Nags Head. The water temperature was relatively warm and the day was beautiful. Connie had me to rent some beach umbrellas -- which was a very good idea. :)
On the final day we grilled "Wisconsin" brats at our campsite near the water's edge at The Refuge. We love this campground that is nestled in the marsh land south of Manteo and just north of the quaint fishing village of Wanchese.
We were able to send this video to Chad and Jen who were camping at a State Park in Wisconsin at the same time.

We've enjoyed the beautiful sunsets before and this night was a great one.
As an added bonus we were able to squeeze in an enjoyable lunch with Gail and Paul Fosmark -- plus Sara and the kids -- on our way to take Kristy to the airport. That was a special treat.

Love this recap of a wonderful week! I had such a great time with both of you! Thank you so much!
This looks like such fun - wish we could be there too!! I guess we live on the wrong side of the USA!!
What a fun time you all had! We are enjoying Sean and Becky and the kids. Avery is a doll. Cheryl
Hey Carlsons, I always enjoy the Carlsons update... interesting stuff about the Wright brothers too. I enjoyed our time at the family get together down there 3? years ago. take care... -Brad
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