Back in September we posted pictures of Connie's 50th Robbinsdale High School Reunion. In a follow up to that fun time, the class members have posted a number of comments and pictures on a class reunion website. One of the class members posted this picture of Connie leading in prayer at the reunion event. Connie was so blessed by the obvious respect evidenced by her class leaders as expressed by the photo.

The moments we call "divine appointments" are at times solemnized by the respect of others at the most significant times. It is a credit to the integrity of one who has lived what her heart has expressed. For that we are held in awe as God just simply bows the heads and hearts of those around us. Praise the Lord!
I prayed for you on this day, Mom! I know this was a passion on your heart and am so glad you were able to sow the seed again with your classmates.
I loved hearing your testimony again when we ate dinner together recently in Pigeon Forge.
Your example of carrying your Bible to class and sharing what Christ had done in your life is still a shining testimony to your classmates and your family. Thank you for leading me to the Lord when I was a child. I love you!
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